Prix Moulines goes to Christian Roesti
The prestigious Prix Moulines for an outstanding entomological publication goes to the book "Die Steinfliegen der Schweiz".
This year's winner is Christian Roesti, whose highly attractive book " Die Steinfliegen der Schweiz " (2021, Haupt Verlag, Bern) convinced the jury.

Christian Roesti is a self-employed biologist, and finances most of his work through third-party funding, which in itself is an outstanding achievement. His award-winning work illuminates diverse aspects of stonefly biology with an impressive wealth of detail. For example, in addition to morphological characteristics of the species, their songs or their habitats are also discussed. The book is undoubtedly an extremely useful resource for all those interested, with detailed background information, an identification key and 126 very complete portraits of all known stonefly species in Switzerland, with a focus on the adults. Last but not least, the work also impresses with over 200 colour photos and more than 1000 drawings. All of these pictures were produced by the author and enrich the book enormously. All in all, the jury was impressed by the high attractiveness of this comprehensive book and congratulates the well-deserving author warmly on the prize.
The Swiss Entomological Society (SES) awarded the Prix Moulines at its annual meeting, 2023 at the ETH Zurich. The prize is awarded every two years to an outstanding work on Swiss insects.